
Showing posts from 2014

'This Is The End' ft Michelle Lockey and Nathan Nasby

If you like extremely sad songs, this one is for you... It's about divorce or a long term relationship breaking up, and that final moment when all the papers are signed and you're walking away, when you realise that this is it, there is nothing else and you are never going to have those good times with the person you loved so much, ever again... But you still know you have to walk away for your own sanity. Or something like that. I initially wrote the lyrics, without Michelle in mind as a composer, for an online songwriting group I belong to which has weekly themes to write and record to.  It's called G-YAWS - Get Your Ass Writing Songs.  Once the words were written, I asked Michelle if she'd like them and she accepted (she also belongs to the group).  She then composed the music and shared her ideas with me the next day. After a slight bit of re-writing, the first master recording was finalised, with the whole process taking only 5 days.   Michelle herself ...

'Wreck Me' by Nathan Nasby and Pedro Costa

My fellow songwriter and sometimes co-writer, Nathan Nasby, has released his second single on iTunes, entitled ‘Wreck Me’, with co-writer Pedro Costa. Nathan Nasby in his studio ‘Wreck Me’ is Nathan's first single on iTunes in over 3 years – and boy was it worth the wait ! Nathan collaborated with the talented Pedro Costa to write this song. Both are from different parts of Canada – Nathan is from Deloraine in Manitoba, and Pedro is from North Bay, Ontario. The title says it all… The track is super emotional. Nathan’s slightly raspy, yet soft voice drags the emotion from the lyrics, making you feel every word. The evocative melody serves to compound the story in the lyrics, with everything melding together, pulling you along as the track progresses. Direct Link to ‘Wreck Me’ on iTunes - Wreck Me – Single Below is a SoundCloud link to Nathan’s music, where you will also have the option to buy his new single... I'd love to know what you think of it ?

'In The Dark (A Tale of Love)' ft Michelle Lockey

One of the very first musicians I started to collaborate with was the wonderful  Michelle Lockey , from Maryland, USA.  We met in an online songwriting and recording group which originated from a group of Taxi members/friends. A few months ago the weekly theme was 'Creepy Lurker', which created some very unusual songs !  It was for this theme that I wrote the lyrics for 'In The Dark (A Tale of Love)'.  Michelle picked them up and created the amazingly creepy melody that suits the words so well.  Her voice drips of ghost stories in the dark and horror movies where you hide behind a cushion!  Perfect. We are aiming the song at the  film/tv market .  I have visions of a rapist stalking his victim, talking to her in his head and creating a (false) romantic relationship in his mind.  The stuff nightmares are made of... In The Dark (A Tale of Love) LYRICS Verse 1 I'm the shadow you catch in the corners of your mind, and you think ...

'Why Can't You See' ft Nathan Nasby

'Why Can't You See' is partly drawn from my own life experiences, and partly from my endless observing of others - the same as all writers I suppose... It's about the longing and helplessness that surrounds someone who loves another so much, but who's love is invisible and isn't reciprocated.  Unrequited love at it's most painful. It is a collaboration between  Nathan Nasby  and myself.  When I gave Nathan the lyrics, I did not expect the song that came back to me.  Nathan is an extremely talented musician, with the most sublime, yet strong, voice, and composing skills second to none.  I was blown away with the beauty of his music. Why Can't You See Copyright @ Nathan Nasby & Amanda J Anderson 2014 Lyrics :  Amanda J Anderson Music, vocals, piano, production :  Nathan Nasby LYRICS Verse 1 I watch you sit and stare Listless eyes chasing rainbows As the wind combs your hair, just a little I know your heart doesn't see Me ...


Welcome to my blog – it’s brand shiny new and totally empty so far ! I’m hoping to share my lyrics and the music that has been created for them, as well as other writings and musing thoughts.  The initial posts are ones that have been transferred from my music blog on Wordpress - which I am now going to continue here on Blogger.

Write Songs Everyday

"Songwriting is a muscle that needs to be constantly worked in order to stay strong." Quote from the  Educated Songwriter So stretch it daily !