GYAWS Songwriting Group SoundCloud Playlist
I belong to a wonderful Facebook group called GYAWS - Get Your A$$ Writing Songs. It's just about the most supportive and fun group I belong to, although I have to admit that FAWM comes a close second. Each week the group writes to a theme which has been selected by a group poll. We don't critique each others work, unless someone asks something specifically. We encourage each other to actually write and record every week, which is the purpose of the group. GYAWS has it's own SoundCloud account, called GYAWS Music . Every week, I compile a GYAWS SoundCloud Parade playlist of the songs submitted that week, and that the writers have agreed can go 'public'. It's an eclectic and interesting playlist each week, with amazingly high standards, considering that these are not finished projects, and often just recorded as a one take into a phone ! So this week I decided to include the playlist in a blog post, as the theme was a favourite subject of mine 'Oc...